Hatta, ucuz yang?n kap?lar?n?n, sertifikalar? olmayabilece?i ve yang?n s?ras?nda yeterince dayan?kl? olmayabilece?i konusunda ikazyorlar.Yang?n kap?lar?, yang?n esnas?nda yang?n?n öteki odalara yay?lmas?n? engelleyerek, insanlar?n ya?am?n? idare etmek muhtevain mutasavvert?r.Yang?n Kap?s?n?n Engellenmemesi: Yang?n baplar? her dem özgürçe eri?il… Read More
Fire door is the name given to the door that provides the fastest evacuation of people to the outside in case of fire and similar emergencies. They are produced using metal materials and dirilik withstand flames up to 60, 90 and 120 minutes, depending on the area of use.Yang?n Baps?, ivedi durumlarda yap?dan güvenli bir ?ekilde tahliye olanak? sa?… Read More